Holistic Estheticians Guide to Treating Acne

Holistic Estheticians Guide To Treating Acne

Acne. Just hearing the word can make one feel uneasy. It’s something most of us have dealt with at some point, and many people believe it’s just a part of life we have to accept and that there’s no cure in sight if you are experiencing acne. 

But here’s an unpopular opinion: acne CAN be cured and treated, no matter what you’ve heard. Acne isn’t just a skin problem; it’s a sign that something inside your body is off balance.

As holistic estheticians, we’re here to guide our clients through their acne journey. Instead of just covering up the symptoms, we complement our treatments with support to help our clients identify the root causes. This way, we can truly heal the skin and help our clients feel confident and empowered.

Did you know that acne is often caused by inflammation? It’s your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right. Whether it’s stress, diet, or lifestyle choices, these factors can all play a role in triggering acne. By understanding and addressing these triggers, we can help our clients achieve clearer, healthier skin.

Many people end up visiting dermatologists and leaving with prescriptions that only mask the symptoms of acne without ever addressing the root cause. While these treatments can offer temporary relief, the acne often returns because the underlying issues remain unaddressed. Our holistic approach aims to break this cycle by digging deeper into what’s really causing the inflammation.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to help your clients win their battle against acne. We’ll talk about how lifestyle changes can make a big difference, how to identify what’s causing the acne, and why it’s important to trust the process. I’ll also share some of our favorite treatments and tips for keeping skin clear at home.

Get ready to dive into the world of holistic acne treatment! With the right knowledge and tools, you can help your clients transform their skin and boost their confidence. Let’s get started!

What Causes Acne, Really?

Understanding what causes acne is the first step in helping your clients achieve clear skin. As estheticians, we have the opportunity to educate our clients about these causes and empower them to take control of their skin health. Here’s how you can use talking points to explain the main causes of acne to your clients in a way that’s easy to understand and actionable.

Using Talking Points

Talking points are clear, concise explanations that help communicate important information. They are especially useful in guiding your conversations and consultations with clients to make complex concepts easier to grasp. Below are some talking points you can use to educate your clients about the causes of acne and how they can address them.


Talking Point: “Hormones play a big role in acne. That’s why it often starts during transformative phases like puberty when hormone levels are all over the place. Hormonal changes can cause your skin to produce more oil, which can clog pores and lead to acne. We can manage this with treatments that balance your skin and by identifying anything that may be causing your hormones to fluctuate. Have you had your hormones checked by your doctor recently?”

Explaining to your clients how hormonal fluctuations, such as during puberty or menstrual cycles, can lead to increased oil production can help them become more conscious ofthe ongoing hormonal changes in their lives. You can suggest specific treatments and lifestyle changes that can help them balance their hormones and reduce acne.


Talking Point: “Believe it or not, what you eat can affect your skin. Foods high in sugar and dairy can trigger inflammation, which can lead to breakouts. Let’s look at your diet and see if we can make some adjustments to help your skin. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can really make a difference. Have you ever considered keeping a food diary to keep track of your meals and subsequent skin changes?”

Discussing with your clients the impact of diet on their skin health can make a huge difference in the outcome of their treatments with you. I got certified as a Health Coach with the Integrative Insititute of Nutrition just so that I could better offer suggestions of diet changes that could be makde to help reduce inflammation and improve their skin.


Talking Point: “Stress is another big factor. When you’re stressed, your body produces more cortisol, a hormone that can increase oil production and lead to acne. Finding ways to manage stress, like exercise, meditation, or just taking some time for yourself, can make a big difference for your skin. What does your support system look like at home and how do you make time for yourself?”

By highlighting the connection between stress and acne to your clients, you can help illuminate any gaps for improvement and provide them with practical stress management techniques to try. At Enlightened Beauty, we keep our store stocked not only with skincare products, but self-care products as well to help our clients improve their connections to themselves. 

Skincare Products

Talking Point: “Sometimes, the products we use on our skin can make things worse. Products that are too harsh or that contain fragrances or pore-clogging ingredients can irritate the skin and cause acne. What does your current skincare regimen look like?”

Educating your clients about the importance of using the right skincare products is a must when dealing with acne. You can offer to review their current products and then recommend more gentle, non-comedogenic alternatives that are better suited for their skin type.

Do’s and Don’ts During Acne Treatment

Treating acne requires a careful and thoughtful approach. Here’s a simplified breakdown on what to do and what to avoid to ensure effective and safe acne treatment for your clients.

Do: Focus on Chemical Peels

A Chemical Peel can be truly transformative for your acne clients because peels are known to effectively reduce inflammation, unclog pores, and promote skin healing.

Pro-Tip: Choose peels that contain exfoliating ingredients — my favorite is salicylic acid. The right peel with salicylic acid will gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and reducing sebum production.

Don’t: Perform Extractions on Inflamed Acne

Avoid attempting extractions on inflamed acne lesions such as pustules or cysts. This can worsen inflammation and spread bacteria.

Inflamed acne is sensitive and aggressive treatments can exacerbate the condition. You really want to focus on calming the skin rather than irritating it further.

By focusing on chemical peels and avoiding harsh physical extractions on inflamed areas, you can effectively manage and treat acne while promoting overall skin health. This balanced approach helps your clients see real, lasting improvements in their skin.

The Importance of Homecare

While regular treatments with you are half the battle, insisting that your clients are consistent with their homecare, and selling them products that will actually help them make progress towards their skin goals is what will take them all the way towards healing their acne.

Why Homecare Matters

Consistency is Key: Daily skincare routines help to keep the skin balanced and reduce the likelihood of new acne forming. Consistent homecare helps to manage oil production, keep pores clear, and reduce inflammation.

Prolongs Treatment Effects: Professional treatments, like chemical peels, provide a significant boost to skin health. However, without proper homecare, the effects of these treatments can diminish quickly. Homecare ensures that the benefits of treatments are prolonged and enhanced.

Prevents New Breakouts: By using the right products consistently, clients can prevent new acne from forming. This involves using gentle cleansers, effective treatments like retinoids or salicylic acid, and non-comedogenic moisturizers that won't clog pores.

Supports Skin Healing: Proper homecare routines support the skin's natural healing processes. Using products with ingredients like niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants can help to repair the skin barrier, reduce redness, and improve overall skin texture.

My Not-So-Secret Weapon: Lira Clinical

When it comes to treating acne, having the right tools can make all the difference. My not-so-secret weapon for achieving clear, healthy skin is Lira Clinical. I use Lira Clinical peels exclusively on my clients with acne, and here's why:

Lira Clinical utilizes the highest quality and most technologically advanced ingredients to deliver superior skincare. These peels are designed to reduce inflammation, clear clogged pores, and promote healing. The results speak for themselves: clearer, smoother skin that my clients love.

Lira Clinical products are formulated with a unique blend of ingredients that include plant stem cells, advanced peptides, and powerful antioxidants. This combination not only addresses acne but also improves overall skin health, making it a versatile and effective choice for many skin concerns.

For those who want to dive deeper into the specifics of how I use Lira Clinical products, I share detailed case studies on my Instagram subscription. These include the exact mixtures and protocols I use to create the amazing acne transformations you see on my Instagram feed. By following these tailored treatments, you can achieve similar results for your clients.

Encouraging your clients to understand the benefits of these advanced treatments can help them feel more confident in the process. When they see the results, they’ll know that the investment in their skin was worth it.


Helping your clients understand and manage their acne requires a holistic approach that addresses lifestyle factors, uses the right professional treatments, and emphasizes the importance of consistent homecare. By educating your clients, guiding them through their skincare journey, and providing them with the tools they need, you can help them achieve clear, healthy skin and boost their confidence. Honestly, what more could a Holistic Esthetician want for their clients? 🥰

Acne is more than just a skin problem—it’s a sign of internal imbalance. By addressing root causes such as hormones, diet, stress, and skincare products, we can create personalized treatment plans that truly heal the skin. 

However, professional treatments are only part of the solution. Consistent homecare is essential for maintaining progress and preventing new breakouts. Encourage your clients to follow a daily skincare routine that supports their skin’s health.

Remember, for those looking to enhance their knowledge in the skincare industry, my Instagram subscription offers exclusive content that can help you grow your career and learn more about esthetics.

Together, we can transform your clients' skin and enhance their overall well-being. Let’s do our part to educate and heal and make the thought of “forever having to suffer from acne” a thing of the past!


stay radiant,

— Morgan